Multi-residue pesticides Test:
- The cannabis plant is susceptible to a number of plagues and diseases during all phases of cultivation and it is common practise to use a variety of pesticides to combat these risks. However, given the absence of regulation, there are no non-ecological pesticides whose use is authorised in cannabis plants intended for consumption. This constitutes a risk for users because of the pesticide residue that can be left on the plant.
- This is especially important in the case of extracts, given that it is not only the cannabinoids that are concentrated, but also any pesticide residue in the plant matter. So for example, the quantity of pesticide residue may be undetectable in the plant matter yet exceed the recommended limits when an extract is made.
- RBML medical cannabis lab can provide anyone so wishing with a test of pesticide residue in hemp-derived products. Using two different chromatographic techniques (liquid and gas chromatography, both with a mass/mass detector) up to 200 pesticide residues can be identified and quantified.